Do you ever have those days were everything seems fine for awhile, and then at some point everything just crashes down around you and one thing after another goes wrong? And then you look back at the day and realize how bad it actually was and you just weren't admitting it to yourself? Well, that's what today has been like for me. I think the only thing keeping me happy is a sweater.... which sounds really really weird doesn't it.. But that's a completely different story! But anyways, back on track. Bad day. I forgot to eat lunch, I forgot my book that I need to read by Wednesday at school, and I screwed about fifty thousand other things up too. But at least this sweater is cozy and warm? My stomach hurts now though, and I've lost my appetite.
Oh well. I'll stop being depressing now.
Well that was a stupidly sad and pointless entry... don't worry, not all of them will be like this. I just wanted to vent.... but then I realized I didn't actually know what to write at all so it was a super short vent.. probably a good things.
Anyways... Goodnight
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