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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

An Odd Day

Today has been a really weird day.

It started off kind of horribly.

I slept in, fought with my mom (again) When I had pretty much cried to sleep the night before due to fighting with her. Had to help a friend who was really upset (You know this part, because you are probably the only person reading this XD) Took various tests, on of which I think I did really bad on. Had almost no food for lunch, may have been too sharp with another friend. Those kinds of things. There were several parts of the day that I thought I was about to break into tears. I forever force myself to be strong though, because I really don't like other people seeing me upset. (I don't always succeed though) After school I had pulse, our video club, and that was sort of fun, but I did have to talk people out of forcing me to take a script writing job that I didn't want. I can't write scripts for my life, especially funny ones, because my humor is really odd, and doesn't make sense to most people.

After pulse was great though. I texted Luke (He's my boyfriend. He is also awesome.) He came and picked me up from the school, because I didn't want to go home. First we drove to the shop (Our local gaming store, and pretty much the best hangout place in town) But we didn't stay for long, and just ended up randomly driving around for about an hour until he had to go to work at 6:00. We didn't really pay much attention to where we were driving, we just talked. Totally random conversations mostly, but it was nice. It was also really pretty out, because on one side of the sky there were dark purple storm clouds  and the sun was really bright on the other side. This made the whole autumn colored world light up, even though it looked like it should be dark and gray because of the clouds. Everything looked like it was glowing, and it seemed like you could pick out every detail of the trees, and their changing colors only enhanced the beauty. It was absolutely surreal, like something you would see in a dream. It is one of my favorite situations for lighting. Eventually, I had him drive by my old house, and then we drove all the way across town so that he could show me his old house. He pushed it to the last minute, so that he could drop me off at home, and just barely make it to his work on time.

As soon as I got home I started chores, in the hopes that my mom's anger would dissipate if I got a bunch of work done. It actually worked (and telling her about how horrible my day was might have helped too.) After doing chores, I made an excellent meal of Swedish meatballs from IKEA, potatoes, and gravy (one of my favorite meals) and then we watched a few episodes of Kitchen Nightmares, which is apparently a thoroughly addicting show. Then I got really tired and tried to take a nap, but I didn't sleep much due to Oliver (My cat) jumping on a bunch of things, and getting texts from people.

For instance, one of the texts was asking if I could work for one of my co workers on Saturday  I had also already been asked by one of my friends that I work with if I could work with her next Saturday  I was kind of sad, because these were my first two Saturdays off in several weeks (since before school started, which was about 5 weeks ago) but I could use the money, so I believe I will begrudgingly accept...

Eventually Luke got off work, and even more eventually I dragged myself out of my nap to finish my chores. But here is odd too. Oh.. I don't even know how to write about this. So I guess I should state a quick background: I am weirdly idealistic, and very innocent, specifically in areas pertaining to sex. It's just not something I'm really interested (actually I'm slightly creeped out by it) and I kind of have the opinion of saving  sex for the person you plan on spending the rest of your life with. I mean, you don't have to be married first, but I personally want to be irrevocably in love before sex, and thus I believe I am far too young for it. Living in an age were sex is on the minds of most teens, and knowing that my boyfriend is one of these teens, I knew that this was a conversation that I was going to eventually need to have with him. I was scared though, figuring I would get nervous and awkward, and worse comes to worse, possibly even put our relationship at risk. So when he brought it up tonight over text (very casually asking my opinion, not pressuring me or anything, but simply learning what I feel, because he already pretty much new about my lack of interest in those things) I was surprised how extremely calm I was. I was actually relieved that we were finally talking about this. So yeah, that went over shockingly smoothly.

But that about catches me up to where I am now, writing this post. I've meant to write more, but it seems that I always come up with things I want to say at inopportune times, and thus never get a chance to write them before I forget what I wanted to say. But I hope to write more from now on. Anyways, Goodnight, and sweet dreams.

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