Blog Archive

Friday, September 21, 2012

Well Hello

Hi there. Nice to meet you. This is nothing exciting, so if you were looking for the blog of a professional writer or something that is actually good, you might as well move on now. I'm just another high school kid starting a blog, for no other reason than a chance to just write what I think. Now, if you have decided to keep reading, I suppose introductions are in order.

Hi. I'm Caitlin.

               I'm your average high school senior.. or I'm not. I'm not even completely sure about that one, but I guess that is up for you to decide. I enjoy art, reading, and writing. I also enjoy much nerdier habits like playing Magic: The Gathering (If you don't know what it is, look it up, because I'm not going to explain) and tabletop roleplaying games like pathfinder. I like sci-fi and fantasy. I have a fondness for anime. If we want to know all of these things, I can also tell you that I really like Doctor Who (I have my own sonic screwdriver), Star Wars, and pretty much anything along those lines. I could launch into a list of my fandoms.... but I'm far too lazy for that one.
               I really love music, of almost any type. I'm pretty much always listening to music if I can. I also love singing and am in my school's choir. (Concert choir to be exact) 
               I'm a bit of a school nerd, and I have a tendency to take the hardest classes I can, so I've been swamped with homework since school started. Adding that to the excessive amounts of stress I've already been dealing with between the college search and arguing with my mom, well.. lets just say I'm really really stressed anymore. Fortunately  I have people I can go to that make me feel better. I'll get to that in another post though.
               I could probably write a lot more about myself, but if you actually stick to reading this blog, I'm sure you'll learn most of it eventually. 

Basically the point of this blog will be simply to write. Maybe it will be a short story, or maybe I'll be talking about my opinions on things and how things make me feel. Or maybe I'll just be writing about my day. It probably wont be consistent. Sometimes I might have several posts a day, or none for a week. But if you're interested, I'd love if you tagged along for the ride!

Thanks for reading! ^.^

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