Tomorrow I graduate from High School.
I don't even know what to say.
The emotions are confusing at best. I am taking a step out of what I have always known, and a step into a whole new life; the unknown. I will be going off to Carleton College to pursue a major in physics. i will be starting a time in my life that I know will be great. I will make new friends, I will work hard and learn sparkling new things. I will be starting a new life, and that is amazing.
That isn't what this post is about though. As the title clearly states, this is about the endings. The goodbyes that I have and will say. In a few months time I will be leaving behind my home and everything I know. There are people here that I have built memories with that I may never see again. I have forged some powerful friendships, and I will dearly the people that I have grown to love. I only hoe that this will not be the end of all of my friendships. Maybe some of them can last through distance and time.
Tonight we had our last concert: the graduation concert. The seniors all got roses pinned to our robes, and we sang a large majority of the songs from the year. Other than two songs at commencement tomorrow, this will have been the last time we sang as a group. Though I only have a few close friends in choir this realization still struck me hard. Choir has been the one consistent thing throughout my high school career, and now it is over. There will be no more moments of making brilliant music in that familiar choir room, and though I may partake in music programs in college (I am definitely not done singing) it will not be the same. I am never going back.
Towards the end of the concert Mr. Harris (our director/ teacher) called out all of the seniors to the front, and we sang the school hymn. At this point is when the emotions really got away for us, and I believe many of us faced the same realizations I have faced. It was the next song that really got to everyone though. We sang a song called "Homeward Bound" and, oh my, that song is emotional. It is all about starting life and leaving but eventually finding your way home, and let me tell you, in our situation, that song is insanely emotional. There were a lot of tears from a lot of people. Don't get me wrong, I was bawling as much as everyone else. It just all came out.
I was really happy that when we got off stage I had one of my friends right there, who came up and gave me a big hug. and then a few more. The tears didn't really stop for quite awhile, but I said my goodbyes to my friends, and here I am now, writing this blog post. (And still tearing up a little bit).
What can I say, it is just as much of a sad time as it is a happy time. Time moves too quickly, and goodbyes are approaching too rapidly for my liking. I don't know how to handle this all, but I will do my very best.
Tomorrow I graduate. Tomorrow everything ends, and at the same time, everything begins.
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