It was just any other day. I was hanging out with Luke, and he decided he was hungry. Of course, he doesn't like taking food for people, so we jumped in his car and drove off to McDonald's something completely normal for us. It was on the way back that everything happened.
We were driving down the street and reached and intersection. We had a green light so we didn't stop.
It was only a second. My mind didn't even have time to fully register what was happening before the airbags went off. It happened to fast. A car had suddenly turned in front of us, and the cars collided. That second is burned into my mind, and I can still see it when I close my eyes. The force of everything. The shock. It was a perfectly normal day and then suddenly everything went wrong.
"Caitlin, Get out of the car!" Luke said, I struggled with the door, and as soon as I got out He was there with his arms around me. My glasses (and his) had been knocked off, and the food we had bought had seemingly vanished. Everything was blurry due to my lack of glasses, and I was so scared. It was night and the world was glowing orange from the street lights. There are a few moments I don't clearly remember. I know I was panicking and shouted "Can we get out of the middle of the road?!" I don't remember walking to the corner of the road, but Luke said he lead me there. Two people came running up and were asking me if I was okay. All I could say was that I needed to call my mom.
I called her and started crying as I spoke. She asked where I was (And I had to ask someone else, because I couldn't see street signs) and said she would be right there. I was shaking so much, partially due to shock, partially because it was the middle of winter and I was only wearing a sweater.
A few moments later Luke came up to me. He had found my glasses, but his were still missing. A police officer was asking our names, and this was the first time I had even noticed the police. There was also a firetruck and and ambulance at the scene.
After speaking to us we were sent to talk to the paramedics, and this is the point at which my mom showed up. They ushered us into the ambulance to speak to us. Luke's family showed up too. I held his hand, and I was crying a lot of the time. Eventually we went back to my house (We decided not to go to the hospital) and just sat. I called my dad and my best friend (Kiyah) who dropped by for a little bit. Me and Luke watched a random kid's movie (Ferngully). I'm still recovering from the whole thing. My body was really sore for a few days (To the point where I can barely move) and I had to miss a few days of school. After my muscles stopped hurting, I started to notice that my head was hurting. We went to the hospital and they told me I have a concussion. It has been making me very tired, dizzy and confused. (Frankly, I've spent most of the last week sleeping!)
The whole things was so beyond scary. Everything was going so normally, and its terrible how everything can go wrong like that. It's frightening to know that things could have been so much worse. It's terrifying that you can be doing nothing wrong, but your life can still be held in the mistakes and decisions of other people, especially when driving. It doesn't matter if you are a perfect driver, you can never account for the other people on the road.
Anyways, I'm just happy that we were okay.
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