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Thursday, July 25, 2013

France-day 17: Moonlight Ride

hey! Sorry I didn't get this written last night, I didn't get home until almost one in the morning, and was dead exhausted, so I figured it would be okay to write it in the morning!

So in the morning my mom and I biked down to the market. I bought a baguette and a croissant, and we got some strawberries to eat. We sat at the cafe for a bit (and mom had to help my grandpa get some groceries). After my grandparents left my mom and I stayed in town. We went to another antique market, and I got some fancy pins! They are really cool. After that we went to a grocery store to get something to drink, before wandering of to look at some parks. First we stopped at a little spot they call "the Sorcerer and Dragon's garden." It had a bunch of plants that 'witches' were said to use in medieval times. It even had mandrakes! There was also a cool metal dragon statue.  Also, a cute cat was wandering around the garden, but I'm pretty sure that it wasn't part of the design! After that we wandered up and sat in a park for awhile to munch on some food that we had bought. We walked around for a little while (accidentally buying some more clothes... whoops!) but it was insanely hot, so we hopped back on our bikes and returned to the house for a nap.

A few hours later, we got back in the car to drive out to a place with horses. We were supposed to be there by eight, because we were going on a moonlight ride. The people had several dogs, a sweet cat, chickens, and a peacock! They had a legit peacock! Apparently they are good for protecting chickens, because their alarm all is extremely loud so that the owners can come and ward off attacking animals.

The horse I was supposed to ride was named Darius. He was nice, but he preferred walking slowly, and didn't like to go unless he was behind another horse. His trot was really nice though, which is good because I am not used to trotting horses (due to my horse being a Tennessee walking horse.) He also took specific instructions to get him into a canter, which was challenging, so it took me three tries to get him to canter, but I got it to work in the end, and once he did, it was really fun!

The ride was really pretty! It was out in the country side and through a lot of forests. We got to see the sun set, and got to ride under the (almost full) moon for awhile. There were some parts that were pretty crazy after it got dark though! Like a few times we would go through forests were you literally couldn't see anything, and we would be trotting! Thus, we were blind, and going pretty fast! It was exhilarating!

I wasn't really talking to anyone, so I was just making up a story in my head, about a Lady-Knight who was helping escort people to a fort. It was a pretty cool story, and it made me happy! It was mostly character development though, so it isn't worth writing here.

Anyways, after a scary drive home on tiny winding french roads (In the dark! And on the small roads they don't have street lights!) we got back safely. I had a bowl of cereal, because I was hungry, and then I crawled into bed! That is all I've got!

-Also, I will probably add in pictures later today, so fee free to check back on this post!

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