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Sunday, July 21, 2013

France-Day 14: Another Sunday.

Nothing is oen in France on Sundays, so today we sat around the house. I would have wanted to go hiking, but it was absurdly hot out. In fact, I spent most of my day sleeping, dreaming, or reading. I finishes A Game of Thrones by the way! Good thing I have the second book with me!

We had a nice brunch this morning, with pancakes and bacon and eggs. well, it was nice until it turned into a fight. I was just trying to share a fact that my grandmother's french friend had shared with me yesterday. For some reason my grandmother got flustered as if I was telling her how to do something (Which is silly, I was just sharing it because I thought it was interesting, not because I expected her to change) and my grandfather blew up and kept going on about how I was wrong and I knew nothing about french custom. I was annoyed, because it wasn't my expertise he was questioning, but apparently living here for seven years has made him more of an expert than a lady who is actually from France. I mean seriously, ad he was going on and on about how it didn't make sense and the danish way made more sense and that it was silly. (I was later able to point out to my mom why the french way made more sense due to the way waiters collect plates here). This whole fight by the way, was because I shared how The french signify that they are done by crossing their silverware in an x with the fork facing downwards, rather than placing the silverware together in the 4:20 position. It is also hilarious that he was going on about this, because just two days ago he was lecturing me about how you had to adapt to a country's ways when you live there (It starting to seem that I would be better at that than he would!)

Anyways, At one point in the day my grandmother asked me to water her potted plants because it was too hot out for her to do it (as if it weren't too hot out for me!). Mind you, she probably has a lot of potted plants out there! I did it anyways (although it took awhile) and got the reward of two strawberries. yay.

Anyways, that was about all that happened today. I am wearing a cute outfit with a long skirt and puffy sleeves that makes me feel like a character form a fantasy story. I like it, it's different from normal!

Well, that is all I have! Goodnight!

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