I will warn you, I have barely slept in the last 24 hours, so I am exhausted, dizzy, and still sort of feel like I am on a plane! So this may not be the most cohesively written thing ever. I guess I will start from the beginning.
Yesterday, at about 10:00 am (central time) we left our house airport bound. arrived, and chilled at the airport for a bit before getting on our first flight. It was pretty uneventful. Then we got on a fifty minute flight to Chicago (I pretty much drew for the entire flight). Then We landed in Chicago, and had to spend four hours there. Also, pretty boring. I discovered the airport had a really freaking cool hall way though:

Pretty cool. I also finished the picture I was working on:
Next we got on our flight from Chicago yo Munich, which was a nine hour flight. As we were getting seated some family with a baby was looking for a spot with three seats together, and there was a spot that they would have been able to have but this old lady refused to move because she didn't want to move her carry-on luggage (she was a really annoying old lady too) So Mom and I gave up our seats in the row next to the old lay, so that she could take them and we would move elsewhere on the plane. Good Karma, right? Pretty sure that's why we made it here okay XD. Anyway, the flight was pretty uneventful. I watched a movie called "The Call" on the plane and that was pretty good. Then I decided to look out the window and it was freaking amaaaazing. The sun was setting so all of the clouds were bright pink, and you could see the many lakes in the part of Canada we were flying over. it was really beautiful. Thus, I sat and watched the sunset for an hour. I couldn't get over how amazing it was. The rest of the flight was uneventful, I tried to sleep and failed, played games, read, got a stomachache, etc. Eventually we landed safely in Munich (I did another charitable act, and gave up my seat on the bus for an old lady). We spent a few hours in Munich before boarding our flight to Toulouse, and that flight was uneventful as well.
There my Grandpa and Uncle picked us up and we drove to their house. The scenery was beautiful. When we got to their place we all sat on the patio and gave each other presents! (I got 160 euros, and some other random stuff) We chatted for awhile (And I got my phone connected to their WiFi so that I could skype Luke ^.^) I was kind of getting annoyed with my Uncle because he kept lecturing me about things I already knew XD Like he was walking around trying to show me everything and I was just sitting there like "I've been here several times before you know...) Then we ate dinner, which consisted of mini shrimp on bread, freakadeller (danish meatballs) and cucumber salad. It was good, but I kept getting dizzy from jetlagg, so lost my appetite. Then Uncle Tim too me a walk around the back yard and orchard because apparently he wanted to show me all that. Then we got back and ate delicious Strawberries and whipped cream for dessert.
After that we all walked down to look at my Grandparent's garden. I took a lot of pictures, here are a few:

Anyways, thats about all I have for tonight! I need to sleep now.
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