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Monday, January 21, 2013

Chiropractory, Jobs, and Chocolate Pie

Well, I guess I'll toss out a few updates about my life. Yay.

I went to the chiropractor today. That was weird, but it will be nice if they can fix me. You see, after I stopped taking all sorts of pain medicine after the crash, I started noticing how sore I was. My shoulder hurts if I do anything strenuous with it, or if I twist it in certain directions, and my back and neck our incredibly stiff. The last straw was that I did something to my hip while I was walking, and it started bothering me. By today it was an almost unbearable pain, so I went to my mom at about eight in the morning and told her that she needed to call the chiropractor today. We got an appointment at 10:30, so that was conveniently efficient. We went in, and first they did a checkup. The doctor felt down my spine, and I had 2 or 3 vertebrae in my neck that were rotated, a few in my upper back, and several in my lower back as well. She said my hip was also misaligned, which may have caused me to injure a muscle in my hip, which is what is causing the pain. Unfortunately they can fix the cause of the injury, but I'll have to wait for the muscle to heal. She then went on to check my range of motion, and pretty much everything was less than it should have been. I even solicited an "Oh wow" from her when trying to look at my left shoulder, and when bending backwards. Then we took a few x-rays, and moved on to the 'therapy part.' This part was my favorite. They did a combination of some electro-thingy, and ultrasound to relax my muscles. The electro-thingy (I can't remember the name) was super fun because it made my back tingle, and my muscles were bouncing all over the place and I couldn't control them at all. I also couldn't stop laughing at my bouncy muscles. Unfortunately this didn't last long enough and we moved on to the adjustment. Oh Gods, the adjustment. I have always hated getting joints cracked, and this was horrible. I felt like I was getting smushed and smashed, especially when she was aligning my hip. The worst though wasn't that, it was my neck. The crunch it made. It makes me shiver just thinking about it, and she had to do it twice. ick. It did feel pretty decent afterwards and I feel less stiff. She said it also would hurt the most this time, because I had a decent amount of scar tissue built up around the muscles. I have to go in about three times a week for a few weeks, but if they can fix my body I am all for it. I am so sick of all this soreness and uncomfortableness. Afterwards my mom took me to Mizuki Fusion (the sushi restaurant in town) and I proceeded to go home and take a three hour nap. I also attempted to make a pie.

This pie brings me to a funny story actually. It was a while back, probably in November. I had bought materials for 'dream pie.' It uses pudding and some whipping stuff to make a chocolate pie. It is also the kind of pie that I'm fairly certain my grandmother used to always make for thanksgiving, and also one of the only kinds of pie that I like. So I wanted to make it. I even invited Luke to come over after he finished work to try it. Of course, things went horribly wrong. I forgot to get the amount of pudding it required, so the pie never set up. I made way to much, and it was just liquid. I even tried freezing it, but it didn't freeze by the time Luke got there, so we attempted to eat liquid pie. It was horrible, and I ended up getting super disappointed and upset, and feeling like I was a failure who couldn't even make boxed pie. Luke cheered me up a bit (And he said it was good, it was just soup!) Anyways, I'm making similar pie now, except I don't have to boxed stuff, so I just used whipped cream which will make it different, but oh well. I even invited Luke to come have some after work again, as celebratory pie.

This pie is celebratory, because he got a full time job! It's an office job, and I think he works from 8:30 to 5:00. It pays decently, so he can finally save up fro his own car. It's hard today, because he is also working his other job, so he will pretty much be at work from 8:30 to 11 pm or later, and I can't talk to him other than on breaks, and he can text a little bit at his second job. I hope he doesn't get too tired out by all of this. I just want him to do whatever makes him happy.

Also, I got into my first college! It's the only one I applied to that has rolling admission. It's also my backup college, but it's nice to know I got in somewhere, because I really only applied to hardcore colleges. The college is Creighton and it is in Nebraska. I also got a $16,000 dollar/year scholarship there!

Something else, First semester is over! I know have easy classes, like creative writing, studio art, and world religions. I am super excited for these, and I can finally relax!

Anyways! Thanks for reading, as always :)

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